
Who We Insure

Aquaculture provides more than 50% of the fish we eat annually and requires a custom approach to insurance. We can help insure your onshore fish operations, which typically utilize above ground tanks, in-ground ponds, or recirculation units to raise fish a

Bee Keepers maintain honey bee colonies for a variety of reasons: They can yield a variety of products: honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly, to pollinate crops, or to produce bees for sale to other beekeepers. Specialty Risk Insurance Agency

Nurseries and greenhouses are an important and unique segment of agriculture. Specialty Risk Insurance Agency can help you insure your wholesale nursery, retail garden center, wholesale growing operation or your retail florist.

Insuring a Mushroom farming operation is a lot like insuring any other farm with a few key differences. Specialty Risk Insurance Agency is experienced with insuring mushroom farming operations and understands those differences.

Coverage Types


General Liability

Workers Compensation

Home and Auto Insurance

Life Insurance

Group and Individual Health Insurance